Call us:+ 1 (954) 359 0059
Toll free:+1 (877) 281 3051

Private Jet and Air Charter Solutions for Disaster Relief and Resupply

As an experienced air charter provider, operating in the Caribbean and Southeastern US since 2006, Monarch Air Group provides air charter solutions for passengers and cargo affected by natural disasters. Be they hurricanes, floods or earthquakes, we are proficient in pre-disaster evacuations, post storm resupply and subsequent medical evacuations. We have extensive experience in these fields, such as providing aerial resupply to major airports and helicopter airlifts to remote areas.

Air Charter Solutions for Disaster Relief and Resupply

In 2017, facing the challenges posed by Hurricane’s Irma and Maria, Monarch’s experienced 24/7 operations team excelled in providing aircraft for hundreds of people seeking to leave the impending disaster areas.

Additionally, Monarch regularly works with governments and NGOs to provide relief to these areas. For example, Monarch’s dedicated team played an integral role in organizing the delivery of aid to Puerto Rico and other locales in the region heavily affected by these storms.

We firmly believe, that as South Florida and the region as a whole have allowed our company to continually thrive to new heights of success, it is highly important to return the favor to our community and neighbors.

Although we hope natural disasters never occur, with unparalleled access to tens of thousands of aircraft internationally, Monarch Air Group will always be there to support families, businesses, governments and NGOs escape impending crises while playing a critical role in the rebuild and regeneration efforts.

Call us: + 1 (954) 359 0059