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What Is a FBO?

So you might have heard about the amenities of flying on a private plane; luxury, privacy, and comfort. But what happens before a flight? At what place does a private passenger arrive before their flight?

Well, they go to an FBO. FBO stands for Fixed Base Operator; usually, a company that provides a wide range of aviation services, from fueling to parking, but most importantly from a customer standpoint, a place to rest, work, enjoy a cup of coffee, or just wait for other passengers before boarding.

FBOs, often called private terminals, come in different sizes and colors and are often separated from the actual airport, although in some cases they might be a small lounge within a larger terminal. In fact, once you book a private flight you are given the address of the FBO, where you will be welcomed by the captain and then walk straight to the jet in just minutes (after swift security and immigration check procedure).

For those who have more time, refreshments, WiFi access, conference rooms, cafeteria, and bathroom facilities are at their disposal. After that, it’s just you and the private jet parked directly outside.

Today, there is a wide array of FBO companies serving at airports, the larger the airport, the bigger the chances that your private flight operator will have to choose from a handful of FBO services.

Depending on the needs of the flight and the passenger’s requirements, a competitive price for fuel, hangar, parking and the service provided by its first-class private terminal will all come into play in order to make the perfect decision.

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